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Well equipped Library

The polytechnic library is well equipped with a good collection of technical and general books covering the needs of the staff and students. In order to render effective service, a qualified librarian has been appointed. To make close contact with books and readers, a classified catalogue has been prepared. To put the books to maximum use, students on their part are expected to adhere to the following library rules.

  • In the library hall, strict silence should be observed.
  • The library will be kept open on all working days from 09:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Every student will be provided with two tickets at the beginning of the academic year, on producing the fee receipt. The tickets should be returned at the end of the year.
  • A borrower taking a book on loan should bring to the notice of the Librarian if there is any damage in the book before leaving the library.
  • Books taken on loan must be returned within the due date prescribed. Otherwise an overdue charge of 10 paise per day will be collected.
  • A book may be renewed for a further period of a fortnight, provided that there is no demand for that book.
  • The books in the reference section are NOT for lending.
  • Books borrowed from the library are NOT for sub ­ lending.
  • Any book which, in the opinion of the librarian, is NOT in proper condition will not be lent.
  • Magazines, journals (periodicals) are intended only for reference and will NOT be lent.
  • Readers should not write upon, damage, or make any mark in any book belonging to the library.
  • Before leaving the library, readers shall return any book(s) or periodical(s) which they had taken for consultation.