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The Group

With the hard work and dedication of four generations of the family, the House of Chettinad has established itself as pioneers in the field of Education and Industry. They stand for Quality, Integrity and Reliability of the Products, Services and Trading that are being dealt by the group.

The Group began its journey in the year 1912 when its founder Dr. Raja Sir Annamalai Chettiar, a Visionary, Idealist, Entrepreneur, Educationist and Philanthropist envisionedthat the future of his group lies inimproving society by providing industrial and business development. The core values of the House of Chettinad-Strive, Save & Serve reached further heights under the aegis of Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah Chettiar followed by his son, Dr. M.A.M. Ramaswamy. The mantle of the Group was taken forward by the untiring efforts of Mr. M.A.M.R. Muthiah Ayyappan, a dynamic industrialist with varied exposure to the field of education.

The Chettinad Group has over 90 years of experience facilitating a wide range of educational and service institutions successfully in Tamil Nadu. The group is currently responsible for 22 private and government-aided schools, Polytechnic, Medical, Dentistry,Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Law and Architecture colleges.


Mr. M.A.M.R. Muthiah

Hailing from the illustrious industrialist Chettinad family, known for its philanthropy and magnanimity, Mr. M.A.M.R. Muthiah Ayyappan evolved as a dynamic industrialist with varied exposure to the field of education.

Mr. M.A.M.R. Muthiah Ayyappan heads The Governing Council of Annamalai Polytechnic. The College is a Govt. aided institution providing technical education and training to men and women at post secondary school level.

“Students Learn by Doing” is the motto of the institution.

As an accomplished executive, he leads forward the organization with a clear vision of success and desire to constantly evolve. His dynamic, Positive, goal oriented professionalism and an enterprising entrepreneurial outlook has made him successful in several endeavours.

Group Institutions Video