In this laboratory, the students are given the practice of house wiring and industrial wiring. Hence, they become skillful in doing the house wiring and industrial wiring. Also they learn to wind the transformer winding and motor winding.
In this laboratory, the students are given the practice of house wiring and industrial wiring. Hence, they become skillful in doing the house wiring and industrial wiring. Also they learn to wind the transformer winding and motor winding.
In the Computer Aided Electrical Drawing Practical, the students learn to draw the line diagram of substation layout and also the winding diagrams. In the Electrical Circuits and Simulation Practical, the students simulate and test the different electrical and electronics circuits using Simulation Software.
By means of microcontroller, the home appliances and industrial appliances can be controlled automatically. Also, they can be controlled remotely when the user is away from the place. In this laboratory, the students learn microcontroller programming and interfacing.
This laboratory provides a comprehensive knowledge of different semiconductor components and their characteristics. The students are also taught in this laboratory to construct different digital circuits.
The knowledge gained by the students from this laboratory is a much-needed one in industries. In this laboratory, the students learn to design and construct the control circuits to automate the industrial processes. Also they become expertised in PLC programming.
The quality of Electrical and Electronics Department of an institution is judged by the quality of its Electrical Machines Laboratory. In our institution, this laboratory is well equipped with the machines of high standard. In this laboratory, the students study the performance characteristics of DC and AC machines.