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Smart India Hackathon 2022

March 30, 2022

Smart India Hackathon 2022

10:00 am - 12:30 pm @

To submit solutions and ideas for the Smart India Hackathon 2022, an Internal Hackathon was conducted on March 30th, 2022.

Two teams submitted their presentations to the Internal Hackathon committee comprising Mr. N. Palanisamy, Principal in charge, Mr. R. Sowrirajan, Vice-Principal(Retired), Alagappa Polytechnic College, and Mr. P. Arockiaraj, SPOC – SIH.

The solutions to prevent accidents due to medians on the road, “Electromagnetic Repulsive Median” and a solution to collect patient data during a calamity, “Automated Triage System using NFC Tags” were presented by the teams.

The ideas will be submitted to the Smart India Hackathon 2022.